5 Cybersecurity Tools That Every NYC Law Firm Should Have

Law firms today use technology in various ways, from making communication more efficient to handling financial data like accounts payable and receivable. While technology enhances their work, it can also introduce new difficulties in the form of digital threats. 

According to a survey by the American Bar Association (ABA), 29% of law firms have experienced a cybersecurity breach at some point. In New York, the risk of cyberattacks may be even greater. New York ranks third in the nation regarding the number of ransomware attacks and corporate data breaches.

Understanding your risks and the consequences of a breach gives you insight into the threats you face. You can use this knowledge to explore cybersecurity tools and other protection methods to keep your firm safe. 

Top Cybersecurity Threats Law Firms Face

When you know the threats your law firm faces, you better understand the tools you may need to protect yourself. Here are a few of the most common threats faced by legal practices:

  1. Phishing: These attacks happen when cybercriminals use text messages or emails to deceive people into downloading malware or giving up information. In a law firm, these attacks may include impersonations of clients or court systems requesting transfers or attempts to gain account credentials. 
  2. Malware: Attackers use malware to get users to download harmful programs or files. You might receive fake subpoenas or court notifications that contain links and attachments that let hackers gain entry to your firm’s computers and data storage.
  3. DDoS attacks: A distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) can disrupt regular traffic within your systems so legitimate users can’t access them, making it impossible for you to accomplish your work. 
  4. Ransomware: These attacks deny users access to files or software until they pay a ransom. In some cases, hackers can even steal data and request a second ransom in return for keeping it private. 
  5. Zero-day attacks: These attacks involve exploiting unknown vulnerabilities. Attackers may find and leverage weaknesses in legal or administrative software that your firm uses daily. 

The Consequences of Cybersecurity Breaches

Cybersecurity breaches have numerous impacts on legal practices. An attack may cause legal consequences, such as lawsuits or penalties due to information leaks. ABA Rule 1.6 requires lawyers and firms to prevent disclosure of client information. In New York, legal practices must abide by the SHIELD Act to protect private information. Failure to provide timely notification could lead to penalties of up to $250,000, and failure to maintain reasonable safeguards can lead to fines of $5,000 per violation.

Beyond the threat of lawsuits and legal penalties, law firms could face consequences like:

  • Reputation loss: Clients seek firms that they can trust. A security breach can destroy a reputation, especially if the practice fails to employ proper safeguards or to implement an incident response plan.
  • Remediation costs: Beyond the legal penalties law firms face, they must pay for IT and security restructuring, client identity theft protection and staff retraining. These responsibilities lead to high costs and lost productivity. 

The Consequences of Cybersecurity Breaches

5 Tools to Protect Your Firm

Cybersecurity tools can limit the chances of a data breach or reduce the impact if a breach occurs. These tools allow law firms to meet the “reasonable safeguards” qualification set by the SHIELD Act and similar data protection legislation. Here are a few tools you should use in your New York City law firm. 

1. Data Encryption

Data encryption codes your information so hackers can’t read the data if they steal it. Your law firm should utilize tools that encrypt the data stored on your computers and transmitted to others. Consider data encryption tools for emails, phones, laptops and cloud data. These tools enable you to send confidential documents safely and store legal information. 

2. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Lawyers may have hundreds or thousands of legal documents on their computers. They need consistent access to track down legal precedents and accomplish other tasks in their practices. Remote data backup and disaster recovery solutions allow you to regain access to essential documents in the case of a disaster like a ransomware attack. 

3. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

Lawyers handle various sensitive information on their computers and mobile devices. A VPN service reroutes internet activity to guard a user’s location and identity. When a law firm has a VPN, attackers can’t intercept web traffic and data. This capability allows law firms to protect client data while transferring and storing it.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires multiple credentials to log in. This capability ensures that even if a malicious actor gains access to one credential, like a password, they can’t access a system. The legal industry has an increased need for data security, meaning that law firms should use MFA tools to protect against breaches.

5. Password Managers

Password management tools allow law firms to create stronger security for their accounts. These tools can automatically fill in passwords, so lawyers don’t need to write them down or store them insecurely on their computers. 

Additional Ways to Protect Your Law Firm’s Data

Cybersecurity tools offer an effective way to safeguard your firm’s data. Legal practices should go beyond tech and implement security best practices to enhance protection. Here are a few tips for improving your law firm’s cybersecurity:

  • Develop an incident response plan: This internal business document outlines each team member’s responsibilities in case of a breach and provides a timeline and strategy for responding to a threat. 
  • Train staff and clients: Ensure the people within and outside your firm are aware of security best practices and common threats. 
  • Implement access controls: When granting permissions to view sensitive documents, consider who requires access and who doesn’t.
  • Conduct security reviews: Regular security audits allow you to identify and address cybersecurity risks. 

Work With Converged Technology Group for Law Firm Protection

NYC law firms are an attractive target for cybercriminals, so these practices need reliable security measures. Security tools like data encryption and VPNs are a practical first step but may only cover some risks. Converged Technology Group has an expert team of network cybersecurity consultants who can help your business make informed decisions about security solutions that address any threat you face. 

Get in touch with us online to discuss your law firm’s cybersecurity needs.

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